Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Solicitations on my Cell phone

By all means, I know in these tough times a company has to make a dime. Phone solicitation is not the way to do it. I got a call from 972-378-4101 (a recording - because thats more efficient) this morning, "Hi, this is Capital One! Did you know you can set up auto-pay for your Capital One auto loan? Just call 1-800-735-8596". You know what? I dropped everything and said, "dangumit, I am gonna do it!" Then thought, wait a minute, I dont even have a Capital One Auto Loan.

I call the number provided to me in the solicitation and get transferred to a call center in Philipines. The agent I spoke to had no idea how to resolve this. My call was transferred to a manager who also had no idea how remove my name from the calling list. So, he gave me another number to call: 1-800-892-0106. After being transferred around on a AVR system which was in Spanish, I finally get someone in India. Thank you. I was kind to inform the agent I really need to speak to someone who speaks perfect english, my situation is this.... she promptly sent me to someone in the southern US who gladly helped me remove my number from solicitations.

All this DONE! and only 45 minutes of my day sacrificed.